Residential Painting

At Warren and Sons residential painting contractors, we have a passion for turning new and existing homes into beautiful spaces that your family will enjoy for many years to come. Our team of professional and friendly painters are local to Brisbane and can provide you with expert advice on anything to do with painting the interior or exterior of your home. Our goal is simple, to provide our customers with affordable home painting, friendly and efficient service and a professional finished result. We understand that a painting project can have an impact on your home life and family and we always strive to minimise any inconvenience that could be caused during the project. We also pay special attention to site safety, to ensure your family is safe and your belongings are protected.
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For Brisbane Clients, Our Residential Painting Services Include:

Interior Painting

Warren and Sons are experts in every facet of interior house painting. Whether the job is small or large, we are ready and able to assist with rejuvenating your interior spaces or bringing a new look and feel to your home. We are also experts in different types of paints and products, from water based and oil-based paints through to application methods. We can assist by attending your home to conduct a thorough site inspection in order to provide you with a comprehensive list of options for you to consider. We can also advise on the right types of paints for different surfaces in your home, such as kitchen and bathroom walls, ceilings, doors and trims and more. A high-quality paint job can add significant value to your home and improve the look and feel of your space. Fresh paint is also cleaner and safer for your family.
Modern cafe with globe lights, tiled counter, and stainless steel coffee machine.
White house with ornate balcony, surrounded by greenery.

Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting Painting the exterior of your home requires specialist knowledge of the right types of painting and coating products, as well as application methods. By choosing a professional painter, you can extend the life of your paintwork, improve your home’s curb appeal and increase the value of your property. Exterior paint is also a great way to protect your home from harsh weather conditions, which are common in the Brisbane area and surrounds. Whether your home is brick, render, blue board or weatherboard, our team have the right equipment to restore your homes exterior to its former glory. We can also advise on colour selection to either make your home stand out in the street or blend into its natural bush surroundings. When considering exterior house painting, we will discuss the requirements for roof cleaning, restoration and repainting, wall painting and colour matching for gutters and trims.